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Qi Gong

By Jules Pilates Studio

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Cost: N/A
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QIGONG (pronounced CHEE-KUNG)

SLOW and EASY movement, but POWERFUL! Qigong is a gentle, but profound

exercise practiced for thousands of years in China for longevity and self-healing.

“Qi” refers to the energy that is expressed in our physical, mental, and emotional life.

“Gong” means to work or cultivate. So, qigong is about working with our energy in

ways that help us to let go of stress and to relax, which allows the body’s healing

resources to kick in. The primary focus is to reach a state of flow (allowing and

acceptance) with an open, grateful, and cheerful heart. It teaches our bodies and

minds to lighten our grip. In doing so we access powerful inner healing.

This hour-long class integrates gentle movement, breath work, self-massage, and

mind focus. It is very easy to follow. No pressure! Whether it’s your 1st or 50th class

repeating a particular form, each of us finds our own level of depth and discovery as

we listen to our bodies and let the practice teach us. It is very rich. AND, during the

last 10 to 15 minutes we sit or lie down to integrate our experience with

visualization and deep relaxation. This self-care practice benefits our health by:

Relieving stress in the BODY (such as pain and stiffness)

Relaxing the busy MIND (let go of distractions and worry)

Restoring a peaceful SPIRIT (feel inner rest and acceptance)

Wear comfortable, loose clothing; bring a smile; and remember that Jules Pilates is a


Further information contact Phyllis at: madisoneternalrhythms@gmail.com

Instructor Name
Phyllis Lobdell
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  I don't have any videos yet, but I am working hard to bring them to you.  Please check back again soon.

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